
YoungWoman is a resident at Echobox Radio, Oroko Radio & RadioRadioFM.


As part of her residency at Echobox Radio, YoungWoman hosts a monthly show titled — Xtradiol

A play on the words extra & estradiol, Xtradiol is a meditation into the sound of transness & the transness of sound:

What does transness sound like? Why do trans artists like Sophie choose to morph a sound & push it to its extreme? Do these hyper-pop sounds capture our hyper-reality? How do we (trans people) relate & interact with our own sounds & the sounds of our (often hostile) surroundings?

Each episode she interviews a trans artist, creative or activist to chat about the sounds that shaped us and the sounds we are shaping. The guests also performing some of their work (spoken word, poetry, music) or play us snippets from their favourite playlists.

 All episodes are here 